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Top 10 beauty tips for your skin

Skin aging? Wrinkles? Pimples? Sounds familiar, right? Well even though Miley Cyrus said that “Imperfections equal beauty”, people nowadays strive so hard to achieve perfection. In today’s competitive world, everybody knows that having a beautiful face is what defines power. People believe that you have to look good to achieve self-confidence and to not be discriminated by the society. You can’t deny the fact that a lot of people especially women, spend lots of money and tried many cosmetic surgeries just to achieve a beautiful face, a sexy body, and smooth skin.

But aside from many aspects of beauty, the most important one to shift our focus on is - the skin. Skin is the outer covering of our body. It also protects our body against dirt, germs and harmful rays of the sun. Throughout the day our skin is often exposed to harsh ultraviolet (UV) sun rays, dust, pollutants, and even environmental conditions that can possibly lead to various signs of skin aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and dull complexion. There are thousands of skin care products that are being sold in the market, claiming every solution to your facial problems. But do you really need to spend a lot for beauty products that contain high quantity of chemicals that could honestly be very dangerous to your skin? Well, struggle no more! Did you know that with proper care of your skin you can be beautiful without even spending a peso?

Here are the top 10 beauty tips to keep those heads turning to your direction:

  • Drink plenty of water.

At least eight glasses a day will do, this is the most eminent step in taking care of yourself because drinking lots of water will hydrate the skin for healthy, younger looking complexion.

  • Sleep early.

Having enough sleep for 8-10 hours will be a big help, because at night is where your skin repairs itself. It will improve your skin tone, it will also make your skin glow, reduce the blemishes and most importantly, it helps your skin hydrate and rejuvenate.

  • Add Vitamin C in your daily diet.

When you think of Vitamin C, the first thing that comes in your mind is immunity defense but do you know that Vitamin C is also an essential beauty nutrient? Because it’s a potent antioxidant that helps prevent signs of aging like skin dryness and wrinkles, Vitamin C also prevents UV damage, acting like a mild natural sunscreen to your skin. It repairs the damage from the sun due to its powerful free radical fighting properties. Not just that, Vitamin C also firms and tightens the skin for it is necessary in the production of collagen and helps repair any blemishes. Lastly, it gives you silky smooth skin because it increases elastin formation which thickens, protects, and helps skin cells.

  • Quit bad habits such as smoking.

Cigarette contains nicotine and carbon monoxide which are considered very dangerous to your skin because these components displaces the oxygen to your skin and reduces blood flow, leaving your skin dry and discolored. Additionally, smoking depletes your body of nutrients like Vitamin C which is very essential in repairing damages to your skin. Smoking also makes you prone to blackheads because of the smoke released from the cigarette.

  • Avoid drinking too much coffee.

One major component of coffee is caffeine, which dehydrates your body. Dehydrated skin causes inflammation and premature aging because it decreases the collagen in the skin. Coffee builds up toxic in your body especially when you don’t drink enough water that will hydrate your system then, this might result to acne.

  • Always be clean and properly hygienic.

Keep yourself clean at all times, especially before going to bed at night. No matter how tired you are at the end of the day, you should wash and moisturize your face. Detox your pores because throughout the day your skin is exposed to dirt, heat, and pollution. So, it is advisable to keep your face clean all the time to avoid blackheads and skin damage.

  • Add some exercise in your morning routine.

Exercise every morning pumps blood to your skin surface that will enhance and revive your skin cells for a more energized skin.

  • Say goodbye to junk foods and hello to healthy foods.

Include fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk in your daily diet. Eating healthy means living with a sound mind and a sound body which will result to a beautiful you. When you eat healthy foods, your skin gets the proper nutrients it needs.

  • Believe you are beautiful.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” When you believe in yourself everything comes after. When you start loving yourself, you’ll eventually gain self-confidence and self-esteem. Embrace your flaws. Just be confidently beautiful with yourself!

  • Self discipline, follow all the given tips.

Make sure you follow all the given tips and spark a change for yourself. Be bold. Be fit. Be beautiful!

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